Virgin Box is one of the set-top boxes which makes the TV viewing experience amazing. The Virgin Box comes with a lot of handy features and as well as focused on the accessibility of the viewers. The Virgin Box provides different profiles features through which the family members can add their accounts and can watch the show in which they are more interested. Also, the algorithm will only show the best shows which will suit the viewer’s choice. Along with it, the viewers will get a minimal User Interface which will be the same on TV, mobile, and tablets.

Virgin Box has tried to make it super accessible by providing Voice Search & Control Functionality. Yes! Its remote comes with a microphone button through which you can easily find your favourite program. Also, you can give commands like Play, Pause, and much more which is good for the viewers as they don’t have to search for the controls on the remote every time.

But, there is some news that users are facing issues with their Virgin Box. Many users are reporting that their Virgin Box is Stuck on Starting Screen. Yes, it is possible that the Virgin Box can get stuck on the starting screen, which can happen for many reasons. So, without any further ado, let’s get started with the guide.

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Reasons For Virgin Box Facing Issue While Starting

Many users are reporting that their Virgin Box is stuck at starting screen. But, before diving into the solution. You should check what kind of problem is your Virgin Box facing. So, we are listing out the most possible reasons which can be the reason for Virgin Box being Stuck on Welcome Screen. Check out the problems below.

  • Internet Connection Problem
  • Connection/Cable Issues
  • Damaged Hard drive
  • Hardware Problem in the Box

There might be some other problems too. But, these are the most common problem which is being faced by the users they are reporting.  So, now, let’s talk about the solution to fix this problem.

Steps To Fix Virgin Box Facing The Starting Issue

So, we will be listing out all the solutions which you can try to resolve this issue. Also, we will suggest to you what to do if it is not solved by the below-mentioned methods.

Restart The Box

This is the most basic step that you should try when you face the issue of the device being frozen during the startup. Restarting or Power Cycle is the best troubleshooting way for the Virgin Box. Follow these steps to do this.

  • Press the Power Button on the front panel
  • When the Box completely gets turned off, then unplug the box from the main board.
  • Wait for 1-2 minutes.
  • Unplug all the cables that are connected to it.
  • Plug it back from where you took it off. And, wait for one more minute.

Note: While unplugging the cables, make sure to take a picture so you can easily plug it back into the correct location. Also, make sure, you hear some sound of click while plugging back the cables. The Click sound assures that the cable has been plugged correctly.

Now, turn on your Virgin Box, and see if the problem is fixed or not. If the problem has been fixed then enjoy watching your shows, and if not fixed then try the other steps which are mentioned below.

Check All The Cables


You should make sure that all of your cables or connections which are connected at the back of the Virgin Box are working correctly. Because sometimes the cables are not working correctly. Now, check whether the Power Cable, HDMI Cable, Coaxial Cable, and Ethernet Cable are plugged in tightly.

Also, check the wires, if they are not damaged. If they are damaged then you need to replace them. So, double-check the cables and again try to turn on the Virgin Box.

Ethernet Cable

Make sure that your Ethernet Cable is connected correctly in the Virgin Box. In case, if you are using the WiFi feature of the box, then you should check also by connecting the ethernet cable to the box in the back to make sure that there is no problem with the WiFi. So, follow these steps to connect the ethernet cable to the box.

  • Take an Ethernet cable which should be connected from the hub.
  • Now, connect it to the Box.
  • If you have a short wire then you can also use the Network Switch. The Network switch is used to extend the wire of the Ethernet Cable.

You can also try using the Ethernet Cable which you have got in the package of the Virgin Box. By it, you can also check whether the Ethernet Cable is working correctly or not.

Hard Drive Assessment

If the Virgin Box does not turn on, then you have to replace the hard drive because there might be some issue with the Hard Drive. You can easily replace the hard drive by following these steps.

  • First of all, unplug the box.
  • Now, Take a Torx screw and remove the screw which is in the back of the box.
  • Turn it upside down, and remove the screw which is in the base.
  • Now, take out the Hard Drive along with the plastic cover.
  • After it, remove the screws which are holding the case and the drive.
  • Now, take out the new hard drive and do the same process which you have done from start in the reverse order to assemble a new hard drive.

Note: Make sure to take a picture or video while doing this step. So, you can reassemble the new hard drive correctly.

After assembling the new hard drive, all of your recordings of the show and other things that are stored in the drive will be deleted. Also, reassembling a new hard drive will give the box a fresh start. So, now, when you turn on the Virgin Box, it will boot up without any problems.

Contact Customer Support

After doing the all above-mentioned steps, if your Virgin Box turns on then you don’t have to contact customer support. But, if the Virgin Box is still stuck on the welcome screen then you have to contact customer support, so they can fix it by making replacements or by providing other solutions.


In this guide, we have mentioned all the possible ways to Fix Virgin Box Stuck on Starting Screen. We hope by reading this guide, you will be able to resolve the issue which you are facing on the Virgin Box. Also, if there are any other ways to fix it, then do share them with us in the comment section.