Ever since its return in August, the success of the play has skyrocketed. With fans lining up and waiting to see Waller-Bridge in action, she decided to surprise them beforehand, and with an extra special guest. Andrew Scott joined Waller-Bridge in passing out cans of gin and tonic to fans waiting in line, a drink that their two characters shared in season 2 of the series. Instagram user alexei_bez was one of the many fans to receive a can of G&T and captured a video of the two stars passing them out. Check it out here:

Scott’s Hot Priest was one of the highlights of Fleabag season 2, mainly for the complicated relationship that he attempts to navigate with Waller-Bridge’s titular character. The two characters’ personalities bounced perfectly off one another due to infectious chemistry that made for an investing and intriguing watch. Along with incredible performances, the series has also been acknowledged for its writing and directing, all of which were recently nominated for Emmys. Currently, season 2 of the series is nominated for a whopping 11 Emmys.

The kindness that both Waller-Bridge and Scott express towards their fans is a true testament to how much they love and appreciate the support that they’ve received throughout the show’s run. There’s no doubt that Waller-Bridge is an unstoppable force in Hollywood, as she’s proven through the multiple projects that she’s currently attached to, but it’s amazing to see how down-to-earth she’s remained. She’s a hilarious and empowering force to be reckoned with, and it’s true what they say, never underestimate the power of a jumpsuit.

Next: 10 Shows To Watch If You Like Fleabag

Source: alexei_bez/Instagram