Fleksy has updated its popular custom keyboard app with a range of new features, mixing the practical and the fun.

On the practical side, you can now add a row of seven customizable hotkeys that act as shortcuts for anything from an emoji or symbol to an email address. The functionality of the globe button is also now customizable, for example making it dismiss the keyboard, and you can opt for a case-sensitive keyboard layout. More keys have been added to the iPad app, also appearing in the iPhone app in landscape mode, and dictionary words now sync between devices via iCloud … 

Fun stuff comprises new animated themes through an Energy Theme Pack, and a valentine extension which makes keys pop with hearts as you type. Pro tip: don’t think that installing this on your partner’s iPhone is a substitute for a candlelit dinner.

Extensions were first added to the app in December of last year.

Fleksy Keyboard is a $0.99 download from iTunes, with in-app purchases available for extensions and themes.