In less than 48 hours since Apple officially announced native support for third-party keyboards as a major feature of iOS 8, Fleksy has already implemented their own keyboard on their iOS 8 test devices. Fleksy is also currently taking signups to join its beta program.

In the past, Fleksy has been front and center with working within the limits of iOS to offer their keyboard on the platform. Late last year, Fleksy began offers developers the opportunity to offer the Fleksy keyboard as an option with their apps and later released a public SDK for any developer to use at no cost.

With iOS 8, Fleksy and other alternative keyboards will finally be allowed to offer a system-wide integrated keyboard for us an any application making the process of actually getting a chance to try it out lightyears easier.

For now, you can try Fleksy’s keyboard on iOS within its iPhone and iPad app. Coming system-wide to iOS 8 this fall.