Flexibits, makers of the popular Fantastical calendar apps for Mac and iPhone, today teased an upcoming iPad version of the app on its website.

Fantastical 2 for iPad is “coming soon,” and the company is taking sign ups for those interested in learning more, but it hasn’t yet revealed any other details on the app. The company did confirm in the tweet below that the iPad version would be a separate download and not introduced as a new universal app for both iPhone & iPad. The iPhone version of Fantastical 2 sells for $4.99 on the App Store.

We’ve reviewed previous version of the app and are big fans, so we’ll definitely be bringing you a full review of the app when it officially launches. Until then, check out our latest review of Fantastical 2 for iPhone.

You can sign up to learn more about the app on the Flexibits website here.

[tweet https://twitter.com/flexibits/status/448506098526334977]