The Flickr iOS app has been update with support for 3D Touch on the latest iPhones. You can now upload a photo, view your feed, check notifications or carry out a Spotlight search right from the Home screen. Spotlight lets you search for albums, groups or recently-viewed photos.

The app also has a handy new 3D Touch feature within the app for deciding which photo to share from a selection … 

Shared links now also open directly in the Flickr app, rather than Safari.

In your camera roll, we’ve added something unique to help you find your best shot. Press a photo to preview, then move your finger left/right to quickly page through neighboring photos. Once you’ve found your favorite, press harder to Pop full-screen.

We’ve seen 3D Touch support added to a number of apps recently, including Apple’s own iWork suite, Skype, Snapchat and Evernote.