Ubisoft’s For Honor is getting huge changes with Year 4 that include a new Battle Pass, character customization options, and additional characters. For Honor has changed the way that the game operates with every new year in order to give fans a reason to keep playing by adding characters, maps, or even fun events for players to engage in. Each year is split into several seasons that each update the game in considerable ways.
Year 3 also brought new characters to For Honor, but added new maps and updated the background lore and storyline. Year 3 was named the Year of the Harbinger and was split into four separate seasons: Vortiger, Sakura, Hulda, and Zhanhu. Vortiger added in a new character and map, but also updated several of the other gameplay features. The rest of the year brought other characters and maps for players to enjoy. This is the format that every year has followed so far, and it stands to reason that Year 4 will follow the same general roadmap.
Ubisoft released a new YouTube video detailing information about Year 4: Year of The Reckoning. During the course of the video they show off some very large changes coming to For Honor. The Battle Pass in particular is something that fans will need some getting used to. This pass seems like it will work much in the same way as the ones in Apex Legends or Fortnite, with a free and premium track. The premium track though will be limited to cosmetic items and consumables, and will not have to be used to unlock new characters. The pass also changes the way that items are unlocked. Originally players would unlock random items after completing matches. From now on the Battle Pass will dictate which items players will acquire next.
Players can also expect additional heroes and changes to the core game experience. There are two confirmed heroes for this year, one coming in season 2 and the other in season 4. At the moment Ubisoft has not provided any additional information on who these characters are or what they can do. Players will unlock these characters by purchasing them with in-game currency. Ubisoft also plans on balancing the heroes and different game modes to ensure that the game runs as smoothly as possible.
Online multiplayer games such as For Honor, must constantly keep the game feeling fresh in order to ensure players continue playing. This is even more important for For Honor because the game costs something to play, unless PlayStation players picked it up for free last year. Titles like Fortnite and Apex Legends are free to play, so players might be less hesistant to try the game if they don’t have to spend money. Despite a few early missteps, For Honor has done a good job over the years of convincing the community that the title is worth playing, and hopefully Year 4 brings in even more players when it launches on February 6th.
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For Honor can be played now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Year 4: Year of Reckoning launches on February 6th, 2020
Source: Ubisoft