As I have said many, many, many,many times before, I have had some serious bugs with iPhone 3G: so serious that I, the most avid of fanboys, have considered switching to a cheap flip phone for a month or so, until the bugs are ironed out. During yesterday’s daily 5 hours without a phone, I was thinking about Snow Leopard for Mac, and then it hit me: maybe we’ll see it on iPhone 3.0 first? After all, iPhone is running Leopard, and was running it before the desktop version came out, so wouldn’t it make logical sense for iPhone to get Snow Leopard sometime early next year? If it got Snow Leopard, it undoubtably would make the phone much more stable, which isn’t just welcome at this point: its needed. Also, it would be great for speed, as I’ve noticed the startup time is extremely slow now, as are application load times.  What do you think? Will the iPhone 3.0 Software be Snow Leopard? And if so, will we see it on the iPhone before Snow Leopard comes out, or after? Sound off in the comments. Michael is a teen blogger for 9 to 5 Mac, and has his own blog, Mac Soda.