This is no April Fool’s Day Joke or Onion article….  Today, Apple released the iAd gallery app which is just a bunch of ads in a gallery.  Yep, that’s it.


The iAd Gallery is a celebration of advertising, featuring iAd campaigns from some of the world’s best brands and their advertising agencies. The iAd Gallery gives you easy access to a selection of the fun and informative ads that have run in some of your favorite apps. Use the Browse feature to discover ads you haven’t seen, or to find those you want to see again. Even lets you tag your favorites to a Loved section that’s all your own.

• Updated regularly to include a selection of the latest ads running on the iAd Network • Explore by spinning the wheel of iAd banners, or search by advertiser, category or ad feature • Learn about the featured ads, including the advertising agencies behind them • Easily access your favorite ads anytime by placing them in your Loved section • Tap into the More section to find additional details about the iAd Network

We’re not sure if Advertisers are paying per impression in this app (which is, again, just ads) but it would be interesting if they are.    More screenies below.

This would have been a great April Fools day joke :D