Apple has published multiple patent applications for keyboard covers for its iPad that sort of resemble what Microsoft did in its keyboard cover for Surface. Until now, however, Apple has relied on third-party vendors like Logitech, Zagg (who has already announced a new iPad 5 keyboard case) and Belkin to provide these covers. Logitech and Zagg have had keyboard covers for the iPad since before both the patent application above and Microsoft’s Surface announcement.

But today, Jamie Ryan, who lists Apple Developer Relations as a recent job, says that Apple has been working on a prototype of such a device and could release it at tomorrow’s event. He thinks it could be Bluetooth 4.0 to save power and was ‘told other cover like accessories are also being looked at.’

The patent shown above also includes other innovations such as solar power, big media control buttons, multi-touch, wireless charging and even a second display…

Apple’s ‘We still have a lot to cover‘ invitation has led some to believe that the iPad cover would also be seeing some innovation as well.

Apple currently offers its desktop Bluetooth keyboard for those interested in using a keyboard but had originally offered the iPad with a keyboard stand (below).

Of course, we’ll be giving the play-by-play of all of tomorrow’s announcements so check back in 24 short hours. [via Giz]

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