Update: Steve Wozniak provided some of his thoughts on the film to Gizmodo after seeing ‘JOBS’ last night.
With the new Steve ‘Jobs’ biopic starring Ashton Kutcher set to hit theaters nationwide today, Slashdot just posted an interview with two former Apple employees who gave their take on some of the inaccuracies in the film and what it was really like working at Apple in the early days. There has been a bit of controversy surrounding the film with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak expressing that a lot of scenes in the movie never happened and Ashton Kutcher firing back in a recent interview claiming Wozniak is being paid by another company to support their Steve Jobs film. Daniel Kottke and Bill Fernandez, two early Apple employees that worked with Woz and Jobs in the garage days, talk about a few scenes that the movie got wrong.
According to the Kottke and Fernandez, the scenes in the garage, the scene with Wozniak quitting Apple, and Jobs’ big speech at the West Coast Computer Faire, all happened quite differently than portrayed in the film:
On working in the garage:
On the West Coast Computer Faire:
Bill Fernandez: [laughs] We never had that many people in the garage at any one time.
Daniel Kottke: What completely cracked us all up is the scene where Rod arrives for the first time. Rod comes up wearing leathers, riding up on a motorcycle with long hair.
Bill Fernandez: WHAT?!
Daniel Kottke: He’s like this motorcycle dude. It just cracked us all up.
Bill Fernandez: WHAT?! [laughs]
On Wozniak quitting:
You can read more from the interview with Kottke and Fernandez on Slashdot here.