A new report from Re/code today suggests that Apple is currently considering hiring Jay Carney as its new head of PR. Carney worked as White House Press Secretary from February 2011 until June of this year. Prior to joining the White House staff, he worked as Miami Bureau Chief for Time Magazine and Director of Communications for Vice President Joe Biden.

Carney would replace Katie Cotton, who stepped down from the position earlier this year. It has previously been reported that Apple is looking for an external candidate to lead its communications team in the hopes of finding someone “friendlier,” although several internal candidates were also being considered.

From Re/code:

Carney is reportedly being considered for such roles at several companies, including Uber.

Update: The Loop has responded to Re/code’s tidbit that Jay Carney could be Apple’s next PR chief. While Re/code’s report only mentioned that Carney’s name was being considered, The Loop negates that saying Apple CEO Tim Cook has not met Jay Carney.

Update 2: Jay Carney told Politico the following over email:

“I’m talking to a lot of people about a variety of possibilities. But I’m not commenting on specifics.”