Forrester just published its Global Tech Market Outlook for 2012 and 2013 where the research company argued that Apple —not cloud computing as a whole— will “reshape the computing equipment market.” The study cited the adoption of iPad and Macs among professionals as proof that Apple is “dramatically disrupting” the corporate market traditionally dominated by Microsoft, Dell, Lenovo, and HP. In 2012, estimates showed Apple could potentially sell $9 billion worth of Macs and $10 billion worth of iPads to the corporate market alone.

By measuring the number of Apple OS-powered devices and supported tablets for 2010 and 2011, Forrester estimated Apple will sell $6 billion worth of Macs and $6 billion worth of iPads to the corporate market in 2011. The research company expects that number to more than double by 2013 to $12 billion worth of Macs and $16 billion worth of iPads.

As part of the report, Forrester outlined some of the areas where Apple is excelling in capturing the corporate market. While reminding us that the research includes iPads in the PC category, Forrester attributes Apple’s penetration into IT departments with orders for tens of thousands of iPads from Fortune 500 companies. The report also noted that professionals are increasingly urging their employers to fund and support Apple products with a growing number of iPads and MacBooks used by company executives. Forrester explained: