Fortnite aims to grow into much more than a game, says the CEO of developer Epic Games …

CEO Tim Sweeney shared his vision with Business Insider.

The company said that the Creative mode, where players can work together to build things in the Fortnite universe, has shown how much interest there is in having it become an entire online world.

The goal, Sweeney says, is to build a virtual, social world that’s “something like the Metaverse” […]

“We see that as ‘Fortnite’ evolves, it’s evolving beyond being a game,” said Sweeney. He says “there’ll be more and more interesting things happening in that world” that will allow it to “evolve in ways that previous games haven’t.”

It sounds like Epic is aiming to have Fortnite morph into something along the lines of Second Life.

The ultimate goal, says Sweeney, is to build “something like the Metaverse” — the idea for a “collective virtual shared space,” as Wikipedia puts it, popularized in science fiction novels like Neal Stephenson’s “Snow Crash” and Ernest Cline’s “Ready Player One.”

The game has already helped Epic earn $3B profit in 2018.