The online giant Fortnite possesses one of the largest player bases in a competitive online game in the current market. Hosting players from all over the world through one of the most addicting genres, battle royale shooter. Fortnite, unlike most other shooters available, has a certain degree of skill required other than precise aim. Fortnite requires its players to learn and master the building mechanic before they can truly become an expert in the shooter. Building can seem tricky for new players but with some guidance, any player can pick up Fortnite and build intimidating structures.
To truly become an excellent Fortnite player, it is imperative that a player learns the system of building. It provides such a massive advantage that a player who doesn’t excel in the skill will be reduced to novice indefinitely. This guide will provide some beginner tips for learning and mastering the art of building within the competitive online landscape of Fortnite.
The Basics of Building in Fortnite
The first step to building mastery is to understand your options in building. There are four main buildable structures within Fortnite. Each requires the other to truly be used at their full potential and an understanding as to how each piece operates is essential to expertise in the title.
The four main structures are the wall, the floor, the ramp, and the pyramid-shaped roof. These are the lifeblood of competitive match of Fortnite and separate a beginner from a master player. Each structure has a purpose within the ideas of building and requires a deep understanding of each structure’s function.
The wall is the first line of defense for most structures. They are the pieces that take the majority of the damage in larger structures and are essential for survival. Learning how to build large and efficient structures rely on a player’s understanding and mastery of wall placement. They are the most important aspect of building cover.
The floor is a piece that is less commonly used but can provide an extra layer of defense. Protecting players from attacks directly underneath their structure. The floor is a piece that should not be neglected when learning how to build.
The ramp is the piece that allows for the upward mobility that Fortnite is famous for. These pieces are essential for gaining higher ground over enemies and can be the difference between a successful combat encounter and a failed one. These will serve as the foundation for the large and intimidating structures that advanced players will use to win fights. Learning and mastering their utility will separate newer players from their peers.
Learning the Ramp Rush in Fortnite
This technique is one of the most essential techniques to learn when charging a tall enemy structure. This will allow for a safe approach from enemies who have a high ground advantage.
Essentially this rush is just the act of building a ramp with a wall in front of it and a floor underneath it. It may sound easy at first but to use it quickly is difficult in itself. Learning how to quickly build a wall and floor on top of scaling an ever-developing ramp staircase will seem tricky at first.
Before any player should dwell on their speed it is important to learn the technique in building this structure. It starts with a ramp, the look down to build your floor and quickly erect a wall. It may seem like overkill to add a floor or a wall to a ramp but it could be the difference between a successful rush or having your ramp be destroyed during the middle of an attack. The wall protects players from damage directly in front of them while the floor ensures safety from attacks launched from underneath the structure.
Learning How to Build a Box in Fortnite
One of the most important steps to learning how to build large and strong buildings in Fortnite is learning the necessity of the box. The box can provide a coveted haven from attacks from players in all directions. It is simply the act of building four walls and a roof in quick succession.
The box can be the difference between life and death in a combat encounter. If a player is pressed from all sides it can provide enough cover to regroup and heal. An addition to the box is the adding of a pyramid roof within the box which adds another layer of protection. Mastering this technique can provide a layer of defense that is not present in novice players.
The box serves as the first step to building large structures in Fortnite. Every structure consists of a box that simply scales upwards. Although not always, but typically the large structures in the game are simply a series of boxes stacked on top of one another. The key to using the box in building these large towers is to learn how to build a ramp and jump on top of it. There is very little room for error in this technique, in that, if failed you will be stuck underneath a ramp and trapped. So learn the timing of building and jumping onto newly build ramps. This will allow for rapid box building and scaling. Yielding a tall ramp structure that provides the coveted high ground position over unsuspecting enemies.
When learning how to build in Fortnite it is important to be patient. The technical skill in learning the system is a difficult thing to master. So do not expect Rome to be built in a day, it may take countless hours of training to learn and develop your building skills and that is okay. With enough practice, even the very new players of the game can become a force to be reckoned with. If that player puts the appropriate amount of time to master the system.
More: New Fortnite Creative Mode Game Type Debuting at PAX South 2020
Fortnite is available now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.