Late last year, the Vancouver Canucks became the first team to ban their players from engaging in Fortnite during the 2018-2019 season. The players on the team mentioned that it was a player decision to ensure that everyone banded together after a poor showing the year before, and it now looks like another sports team is following their lead in light of a recent Fortnite baseball team ban.

Fortnite has gotten a bit of a bad reputation when it comes to how it’s been received by everyone from sports coaches to teachers and even local government if India’s ban on it in certain cities is anything to go by. The title was even threatened with a ban in China at some stage.

Vice has now reported that the Toronto Blue Jays have made moves to cut down on the amount of time that their players are allowed to spend on video games like Fortnite when game days are approaching. There was a tweet from The Athletic’s John Lott which noted that this was because the “players suggested there was too much Fortnite last year”. There hasn’t yet been further comment from Blue Jays about this Fortnite baseball team ban, so it’s unclear right now as to how that will be enforced but they’re definitely now not the first team to take these sorts of measures when it comes to video games being a potential distraction for players.

Aside from the reason given by the Blue Jay’s manager, Charlie Montoyo, it’s unsure just how player motivated this Fortnite baseball team ban is. There are likely a number of reasons why players attempt to keep distractions to a minimum, video games or not, in the lead up to big games. Players already have restrictions on things like drinking, partying, social activities, and otherwise doing anything that may risk injury before major events,

In light of that, this Fortnite baseball team ban doesn’t seem too unreasonable in the grand scheme of things. It’s reasonable to expect that things that can distract a player and potentially skew their mood before a big game end up being given the cold shoulder by teams. It’s also worth noting that other multiplayer games may well be banned as well by the Blue Jays; Fortnite is just one example provided by Montoyo and it could be that there are other titles that the players are spending more time on. Perhaps the only way the players felt would curtail this would be to take a leaf out of the Canucks’ book and to suggest that the ban is implemented. Without further comment from the team, it’s hard to be certain.

More: Fortnite Is Helping Cause A Lot of Divorces Apparently

Source: Vice