There’s a secret minigame hidden within the black hole Fortnite’s epic Season 10 finale left behind. It’s been more than twelve hours since the entire game of Fortnite’s disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes leaving behind nothing but a small circle on the screen, and although Epic Games has assured players their saves and purchases will not be lost as of right now there is not much for dedicated Fortnite players to do. Advertised as The End of Fortnite, no one knows what’s coming next.

It’s definitely not The End for good, but whatever is going on clearly demonstrated the end of something. A recent Apple leak hints at Fortnite Chapter 2, perhaps with a whole new map and hopefully without the B.R.U.T.E. mech which caused players so much grief upon its Season 10 introduction. Other leaks on Twitter seemingly confirm a Chapter 2 installment as well, with famous Fortnite streamer Ninja tweeting a Fortnite Chapter 2 image and saying he cannot wait for Season 11.

For the time being, however, there is nothing. Well, almost nothing. As reported by Forbes, there is a secret minigame hidden within Fortnite’s black hole, easily accessible by entering the Konami code and then pressing Enter instead of Start. Once activated, the player takes control of a slice of pizza flying around in space trying to shoot down Durr Burger heads in a Fortnite-skinned Space Invaders clone.

The Konami code (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, START) is the video game version of the Wilhelm Scream, originally included in the 1985 arcade game Gradius and created by Kazuhisa Hashimoto. It has since been featured in multiple Konami franchises over the years, including Contra, Castlevania, Silent Hill, and Metal Gear Solid, as well as popping up regularly in non-Konami offerings like the Borderlands series. Although a small addition, it’s inclusion here in the darkness of space left behind from Fortnite’s season closer allows players to at least do something with their hands while they wait for Season 11.

While unlikely to remain down for long, this marketing strategy by Epic Games has surely succeeded in getting everyone’s attention. Only a game as popular as Fortnite could pull off something as dramatic as literally destroying their entire game and leaving the player with nothing but a black screen and the ability to play a Pizza Time Space Invaders in the interim. It may only be a matter of time before Fortnite’s Chapter 2, or Season 11, or whatever it will be called comes out, but when it does players will definitely be primed and ready to drop, hopefully into a new map with no mechs.

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Source: Forbes