The first official change to the battle map in Fortnite of Season X has come in the form of Tilted Town. Season 9 oversaw the rise of the Pressure Plant and the destruction of Polar Peak, among other, smaller changes. Season 9 ended back in July, and culminated in a giant kaiju versus mech battle. The Fortnite World Cup took place just before Season X started, and ended with 16-year-old Kyle “Budga” Giersdorf taking taking home the three million dollar prize. By most accounts, the World Cup was a huge success.

Season X has officially started and players are starting to notice some changes. Some information about what is coming has already been revealed. Titanfall-style mechs have been unleashed on the island and “rift zones” have been spotted throughout. As with any other season of Fortnite, Season X has it’s own unique theme, which seems to be routed in time-travel and nostalgia. Some areas may be coming back from earlier seasons, while others may get shoved even further into the past.

The area formerly known as Neo Tilted is the first location to be changed completely in Season X, according to Eurogamer. While locations are being brought back from previous seasons, like Dusty Depot, others like Neo Tilted are set for bigger transformations. It’s been renamed Tilted Town, and has a very obvious wild west theme, complete with different guns one might find in that time period. This makes sense with Season X’s theme of time travel, and it’s also one of the places where the rules seem to be a little different.

Tilted Town is cordoned off of the rest of map by a bubble. Players can freely enter and exit this bubble, and there are musical cues to indicate the change in area. Inside the bubble, the colors of the game are also toned down to create something of a sepia filter. The biggest difference between Tilted Town and the rest of the map is that there’s no mining inside the bubble. This effectively makes Tilted Town a combat-only zone, and creates one of the most battle-intense areas of the entire map.

While the battle island of Fortnite is always changing, Season X shows players how the rules could possibly change, too. Choosing the Tilted area for this experiment was smart, as Tilted Towers has always been known as the place where the most heated battles took place. Regardless of whether or not Tilted Town is a success, it’s interesting to think about how Epic Games could change the rules in other places, as well. In the meantime, players better make sure that they’re stocked up before high noon in Tilted Town.

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Source: Eurogamer