The final week of Fortnite Overtime Challenges is live, and it allows players who have purchased the battle pass the opportunity to unlock another style for the “Cameo Vs Chic” skins. Similar to the last two Overtime Challenge sets players are tasked with completing 10 different challenges in order to unlock a new style for one of the battle pass exclusive skins.
The past two Overtime Challenge sets offered players the chance to unlock exclusive variants of the 8-Ball and Ripley skins. The challenges to unlock those skins were a mix of location visiting, dealing damage with certain weapons, and eliminating opponents in certain areas. This week’s Overtime Challenges are a bit easier as the majority of them require to visit specific locations and perform relatively easy tasks.
Here is a list of all of the challenges.
- Catch an item with a Fishing Rod at No Fishing signs x3 Consume an Apple, a Mushroom, and a Slurproom Search a Rare Chest or Supply Llama x5 Elimination at different named locations x5 Catch a fish at Lake Canoe, Lazy Lake, and Flopper Pond Visit a lonely recliner, a radio station, and an outdoor movie theater Get an elimination with an Assault Rifle, Shotgun, and a Sniper Rifle Destroy a telescope, a television, and a telephone pole Search the hidden gnome found in between a race track, a cabbage patch and a farm sign x1 Dance at the top of and Mount H7, Mount F8, and Mount Kay
A list of challenges and a map including objective locations can be found on Screen Rant’s official Fortnite Challenge Cheat Sheet. Some of the challenges are self-explanatory and do not require an in-depth explanation. This guide will help players find the locations of certain objectives in order to unlock the Cameo vs Chic alternative style.
Catching Items at No Fishing Signs in Fortnite
Fortnite Chapter 2 introduced the fishing mechanic, and while the new map offers players a vast selection of fishing locations, there is only one spot that has No Fishing Signs: Slurpy Swamp. This challenge requires the player to fish near three different “No Fishing” signs located around Slurpy Swamp. However, instead of catch fish, this challenge requires players to catch items. If a player catches a fish it will not count to the challenge. Weapons, ammunition, and healing items all count towards the objective.
The player is also required to use a fishing rod during this challenge, not a Harpoon Gun. Fishing rods can be found in chest and barrels all around Slurpy Swamp. If the player is lucky, they will find a fishing pole near the “No Fishing” signs.
Check the SC Cheat Sheet if you have trouble locating each no fishing sign.
Catch Fish at Lake Canoe, Lazy Lake, and Flopper Pond in Fortnite
Another challenge in this week’s set of challenges revolves around fishing, but this one will have players running all over the map to different fishing holes to catch fish. Players are tasked with catching a fish at each of three locations: Lake Canoe, Lazy Lake, and Flopper Pond.
Lazy Lake is the easiest of the three locations to catch a fish as it is densely populated with loot and it is relatively close to Lake Canoe. A player can land at Lazy Lake, loot up, catch a fish, and then head northeast towards Lake Canoe. Lake Canoe and all other fishing locations are marked on the Screen Rant Cheat Sheet.
It may be hard to catch a fish at all three in one match, but if you are lucky enough you can swing by both Lazy Lake and Lake Canoe, and then head west towards Flopper Pond. Flopper pond is located between Holly Hedges and Salty Springs on the west side of the map. After you have caught a fish at each of the three locations the challenge is complete.
Lonely Recliner, Radio Station, and Outdoor Movie Theatre Locations in Fortnite
This challenge also has players running around the map to visit different locations, but luckily they aren’t too far apart. A player should be able to visit all three in one match. You can see the location of all three points a player needs to visit marked on the map of the SR Cheat Sheet.
If a player starts at Craggy Cliffs they should be able to work their way south and visit all three points. The first is a Radio Station situated at the top of a hill directly east of Craggy Cliffs. Land at or visit the radio station, loot up and head southwest.
The outdoor theatre, most commonly referred to as Risky Reels, can be found directly west of Frenzy Farm. Once you have visited Risky Reels you can travel east towards Dirty Docks in search of the Lonely Recliner.
The Lonely Recliner can be found at the top of a hill directly west of Dirty Docks. It is a small red arm-chair much smaller and easier to miss than the other two locations. After a player has visited all three locations the challenge is complete.
Destroy a Telescope, Television, and Telephone Pole
This next challenge is one of the easiest because the map is littered with Telephone Poles and Televisions. Almost every named location has either one or both. Telescopes, on the other hand, are a bit harder to find. The SC Cheat Sheet has all of the telescope locations marked to make them easier to find.
If a player lands at Lazy Lake they should have no problem completing this challenge in one game. The small city is filled with telephone poles and televisions and has two separate telescope spawns.
Once you have destroyed one of each item the challenge is complete.
Hidden Gnome between Race Track, Cabbage Patch, and Farm Sign in Fortnite
This is a challenge fans of the franchise are sure to remember. Especially since similar challenges appeared in the last two sets of Overtime Challenges and plenty of weekly challenge sets prior. Players are to pinpoint the location of a hidden Gnome by visiting the point that is between the listed locations.
This challenge can leave players confused wandering the same patch of grass in search of the giggling porcelain gnome. Thankfully our SC Cheat Sheet has marked the location for players already. The Hidden Gnome is located north of Frenzy Farm at the top of a yellow-grass covered hill.
Once the player has found the Gnome’s location, search it and the challenge will be complete.
Dance on Mount H7, Mount F8, and Mount Kay in Fortnite
The final Cameo Vs Chic Overtime Challenge requires layers to summit the tops of the largest mountain peaks in the game and dance. The locations are relatively close together, but climbing the mountains can take some time. Regardless, players should be able to easily complete this challenge in a single match.
The three mountain tops can be found at the bottom right corner of the map. They are also marked on the SR Cheat Sheet. Each mountain is covered with snow which makes them hard to miss. The names of the mountains are also their locations on the map.
Once the player has managed to summit each mountain all they need to do is perform an emote at the top. Once they have danced on top of all three mountains the challenge is complete, and they should have unlocked the new Cameo vs Chic alternative style.
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Fortnite is available on PC, Mac, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Mobile Devices.