Fortnite tosses players out of the battle bus onto a battlefield where only the strongest one will emerge victoriously. Here are beginner tips for players on properly landing. Fortnite contains many different mechanics to learn and master in order to be successful in the game. From building, to shooting, driving vehicles, and strategizing the players’ moves, all of this comes together to create a full understanding of the game. While plenty of other shooters may have microtransactions that allow the players to upgrade their gear early on, Fortnite is one of those games that only focus on outside cosmetics for character skins. Each skin provides a layer of personality to each player. Deciding if they want to look cool, cute, intimidating, or even carry around a puppy in their backpack is all part of the customization. To unlock more customization options, players must be good at the game (or spend their own money). In order to improve at the game, what better place to start than the beginning. This guide will help beginner players optimize their landing strategies in Fortnite.

Selecting a location to land is just the tip of the iceberg when falling from the sky at the beginning of each battle royale game. There are certain attributes players need to consider in the opening of matches. For starters, it is always helpful to thank the bus driver when players leap out. This doesn’t actually do anything but potentially spread good karma for the game. When jumping out of the battle boss, all other 99 players will time where they want to go from the get-go. Some players jump outright as the match starts, while others wait until the very end. Sometimes, players may even be forced off the battle bus because they waited too long to jump out. Here are some tips and tricks for taking the first leap onto the battlefield.

Adjusting Falling Speed in Fortnite

The first thing players are allowed to do after jumping out of the battle bus is to adjust how fast or how slow they all. They can fall faster by looking straight down at the floor. They can also descend slower when looking up towards the sky. This is important as where the battle bus can cross on the map is different between each game. Sometimes the bus may spawn far away from a destination that the player needs to go to for an objective. Descending slower will allow them to reach the far distance surely, but slowly. If players take too long to get to the ground, there’s a possibility that other players may collect all of the loot first, leaving the player empty-handed and defenseless.  It’s important to select the proper situations to fall fast or slow.

Paying Attention To Other Players in Fortnite

While this one seems obvious considering it is a battle royale, paying attention to opponents when falling can be crucial. The player should pay attention to where a large number of players are concentrating. It also depends on what the player is trying to accomplish in each game. Would the player like to get right into the action as soon as possible? Follow where a large number of players are landing and get started. Would the player like to collect materials and make sure they have proper weaponry before jumping into a fight? Try and land away from other players to focus on building up an arsenal. In Fortnite Chapter 1, one of the prominent locations for instant combat was Tilted Towers. Every single game, the city would be covered head to toes in players, so surviving, especially for new players, was nearly impossible when landing here. Players have to know where their opponents are to plan accordingly.

Landing Near Weapons In Fortnite

The first couple of seconds in a game of Fortnite might be the most important. Regardless of the player lands where several other players have landed or in the complete middle of nowhere, collecting weapons is essential for survival. When landing, pay attention to where guns are and head into that direction. Players should be able to see them spawn the closer they get to the ground. If another player happens to grab the gun beforehand, then its curtains for this match. This is a great way to get early kills, as everyone is on the same playing field with a lack of weapons. Although the same applies to the player, so it’s kill or be killed the first seconds of a battle royale game.

Flexing Cosmetics In Fortnite

Fortnite has a bit of a reputation around it as being a predominately social game. Players notice when other players have the default skin on. If players are wearing the default skin, there’s a social stigma that they have no or minimal experience playing the game, making them easy targets to take out. This could be a complete fluke, but at the same time, what a player is wearing says a lot about their skill and dedication to the game. Seeing a player will the maxed out battle pass requirement skin means they put the time and effort to unlock it. They may potentially be a massive threat. For example, for a while, the skin based on the John Wick films was considered frightening when encountered on the battlefield, since for the most part, most players with this skin had high kill rates and victories. When beginning, the default skin will say a lot about the player, but as the player unlocks more cosmetics from playing, change the skin up to flex how far they have come.

Fortnite’s skins say more about the game than pretty much anything else. The game has transcended gaming culture to movies and television. In-game events tied to Marvel Studios or DC with the Harley Quinn skin show how far beyond just gaming Fortnite is. In order to improve at this game, the player needs to optimize every avenue of play and this includes the very beginning with the landing. Messing up a landing can mess up an entire game. Although, perfecting where and how to land can rack up kills early on. This is just another step closer in claiming the glamorous victory royale.

More: Fortnite: Beginner’s Guide To Battle Royale Island

Fortnite is available now on PC, Mac, Xbox One, Playstation 4, iOS, Android, and Nintendo Switch.