Fortnite can be hard to learn, intense to master. Here’s a guide that will help players with advanced tips and tricks in Fortnite’s Battle Royale. Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode pits 100 players against each other. Games begin with players jumping out of the battle bus onto an island with different terrains like a desert or snowfields. It is expected that players know the basics of building, shooting, exploring for items, and has potentially a few victory royale’s under their belt. Now that the basics are down, time to look into the games deeper mechanics to improve players’ gameplay. These range from very minor tweaks to optimizing item use. Both of these can be the difference between life or death in a game where everyone is out to get the player. This guide will be focusing more on the advanced techniques in Fortnite.
Fortnite has grown in such a way that careers have developed around being a pro at the game. Streamers like Ninja have dominated the gaming scene with his personality and skills in Fortnite. It was projected that Ninja made over $10 million dollars in 2018 from playing Fortnite. Not only that, 16-year-old Bugha won $3 million dollars for placing first in the Fortnite World Cup. The total of the prize pool for the Fortnite World Cup was over $30 million dollars. Even players who didn’t place nearly as high in the Fortnite World Cup walked home with thousands of dollars. The games’ popularity isn’t seeming to change any time soon as Fortnite is a serious venture for revenue. From sponsorships to prize money, here are small tips and tricks to help players advance to be a better player in Fortnite.
Advanced Tips and Tricks for Fortnite Players on Improving Accuracy
The first of these tips come from how to improve weapon accuracy in the game. Players will notice when they shoot, the center reticle will expand, making it harder to land shots consistently. One way to combat this is instead of holding down the shoot button, tap it quickly to maintain the accuracy of the shot. Especially when enemies are at a longer distance, players will want those shots to land. Another method of improving accuracy is to mash crouching and moving left and right quickly at the same time to improve accuracy. What this does is prevent the crosshair from increasing, making shots land more consistently. It may take a few attempts to master this movement, as its a bit unorthodox, but once the motion is drilled into the players’ head, they will be grateful they took the time to learn it.
Advanced Tips and Tricks for Fortnite Players on Bullet Drop
Bullet Drop is when the player shoots another player off in the distance, the distance will make the bullet begin to fall, so in order to hit the target, the player would need to account for the bullet drop. This is only effective when using a sniper rifle. When using the sniper rifle, aim a bit higher or predict where the opponent is heading and shoot them instead of the actual target. Although, since the sniper rifle is the only weapon with a bullet drop, every other weapon in the game has hit-scan. Hit-scan is instantly applied when a gun is shot. Meaning using pistols and machine guns when shooting, the bullet connects instantly. Notice the distinction in order to improve.
Advanced Tips and Tricks for Fortnite Players on Wood Doors
Building is a fundamental element to being successful in Fortnite. Aside from shooting, this is the most important element. In a more recent update, wooden doors have developed a new but important feature. When creating a wooden door, players can now shoot between the cracks in the door. The door is meant to protect players, but as wood is the most common of the building materials, there are times when they are needed. Players can snipe through the cracks to damage players hiding behind them. On the other hand, if the player has built a wooden door of themselves, they can also be damaged. Be careful and pay attention to when the opponents build wooden doors.
Advanced Tips and Tricks for Fortnite Players on Launch Pads
Launch Pads can be the difference between a victory royale or a defeat. They are a pretty rare spawn, to begin with, so making sure to use them properly is key. The best moments to use a Launch Pad would be dependent on the location of the storm. As the game progresses, the storm shrinks smaller and smaller to bring players closer together to fight. If the player is pinned in a tough situation or other players are attempting to flank, it is much safer to use to the Launch Pad to escape rather than fighting for a way out. Launch away from the storm and heal if needed. Moments like these can be stressful so it’s also important to recollect yourself and not get flustered.
Advanced Tips and Tricks for Fortnite Players on Building
As mentioned, the building is one of the most important aspects of being successful in Fortnite. Top-level players depend on this in order to succeed. If the player is shot at, especially in the situation of a sniper bullet, build immediately. Do not look around and try and find where the shot came from. Within this time, the opponents can shoot again and this time finish the job. Building allows the player to stop and think about their next move. Creating something simple like a box with a roof is perfectly acceptable to locate the enemies. Once the player finds them, either make the decision to combat or to run based on the players’ inventory, health, and building materials.
Fortnite has grown further beyond anyone could have ever imagined. The idea that thousands of careers have developed from streaming, creating content on YouTube or winning prize money just shows that an economy has been built around this one game. There’s no game with that massive range of appeal currently. The appeal of the game is that anyone can succeed if they want it enough. These tips are small ways to help players make the step in the right direction. Apex Legends is another game throwing its hat into the Battle Royal genre and has found its own success, but Fortnite remains king and that’s not changing for a very long time.
Next: Fortnite: How to Unlock Deadpool Skin (Chapter 2 - Season 2)
Fortnite is available on PC, Mac, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Mobile Devices.