The Fortnite and Batman crossover is official and will be revealed tomorrow for Batman Day, but a Joker-themed item has already been leaked, ramping up fan speculation about just how involved the new event will be. Fortnite is nearing the end of its Season X content, which included the introduction of the B.R.U.T.E. mech and the return of several nostalgic elements from previous seasons, including parts of the map that have been removed over the game’s long and evolving history.

Despite the fact that Fortnite Season X was generally well-received by fans for much of the content developer Epic Games rolled out, the season will likely forever be remembered for the reign of terror that the B.R.U.T.E. mech had on all facets of play. For competitive players, the mech was an absolute nightmare that was capable of swinging games dramatically at the press of a button, and for casual players, the ability to suddenly win games despite a low investment into practice was not worth the amount of times the suit ruined otherwise compelling matches. After several attempts to change the B.R.U.T.E. with minor fixes, Epic Games nerfed it into the ground and the Fortnite community was finally able to move on from somewhat smothering nostalgia into what appears to be Gotham City.

The Fortnite Twitter officially unveiled plans earlier today to announce the Batman crossover tomorrow, on Batman Day, as the series celebrates its 80th anniversary. The next question is if there will be anything left to reveal. A leak earlier this week indicated that a Gotham map was coming to Fortnite alongside several other Batman-themed items, and now a new leak has also surfaced that reveals there will be at least one Joker item, too. It’s unclear whether the item is related to challenges or whether it’s a specially-designed bomb for the event, but here’s a look at the item, courtesy of Fortnite leak site Fortnite Intel:

Whatever the Joker item is, it’s an exciting addition to an already interesting crossover. It’s yet another example of the way Epic Games continues to make Fortnite relevant week after week based on what’s going on in the rest of the world - with this event, it’s Batman Day tomorrow, and earlier this month it was the Fortnite X Borderlands crossover to celebrate that game’s momentous release.

While the Borderlands event was pretty minor in the grand scheme of Fortnite things, it’ll be interesting to see if the Batman one is more substantial. Fans are getting closer to Fortnite Season 11, and it’s possible Epic will use the chance with this event - and the many eyeballs drawn to the game by the Batman crossover - to hint strongly at what that direction might look like.

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Source: Fortnite/Twitter, Fortnite Intel