When I heard the “can’t feel the boobs” line, I thought I must had been dreaming. After all, this was a high-profile commercial for a flagship consumer device. Aptly named “Pwnage,” the advert in question stars American actress, writer and comedian Kristen Schaal (for those not in the know, Kristen is a contributor on The Daily Show and is famous for her role as Mel in the HBO series Flight of the Conchords and Louise in Bob’s Burgers).

The promotional clip has her demoing a game on an Xperia Play, the latest Sony Ericsson-branded, Android-toting smartphone. The device sets itself apart from other droids with the physical PlayStation buttons and the ability to play downloadable Sony-approved PlayStation One games.

The advert took me into uncharted territory when Kirsten got joined by another endearing and charming Kristen, this one an iPhone 4 user. It is when the two Kristens engaged in an one-on-one deathmatch session that insults began flying back and forth.

This is real foul language, folks – not the cleaned up version airing before evening news.

A bloodthirsty smile on her face, she begins: “With the PlayStation game controller it’s very easy for me to shoot Kristen Shall right in the face – over and over and over again.”

As if to be sure the porcelain iPhone 4 princess realizes what she’s up against, the Xperia Play Kristen quips, and I quote:

Another commercial starts with the line, “If you’re like me, you have eyeballs” (pronounced as iBalls). But wait, there’s more after the break.

It’s one in a series of Xperia Play commercial available on Sony Ericsson’s YouTube channel. The remaining ones – “Kristennetsirk”, “Kittenliscious”, “A Kristen with a Kristen” and “Kristen is killing it” are equally twisted. The videos vary in style and creative approach, but have one thing in common: Each one is disturbing on many levels as we get to see Kristen Schaal go nuts. Check them all out embedded below.