Apple’s AirPods first started arriving to customers just over four months ago and were met with a generally positive response. The highly anticipated completely wireless earbuds were announced alongside the iPhone 7 to make up for the lack of a headphone jack.
Now that AirPods have been on the market for four months, are you using them?
One thing worth noting right off the bat is that it’s still incredibly difficult to get ahold of Apple’s AirPods. They’re backordered six weeks from Apple’s online store and retail availability is scattered at best. AirPods were originally slated to be made available in October but ended up being delayed until December over what is believed to have been manufacturing issues. It’s possible that Apple still faces those same manufacturing difficulties.
Nevertheless, seeing that they’ve been available for four months, anyone who really wanted them has likely been able to track a pair down.
Scattered availability, however, has been one of the top complaints of users and rightfully so. It seems weird and out of character for Apple that, despite announcing them over 6 months ago, the company still struggles to keep up with demand. A six-week backorder window likely has not had a positive impact on sales, either.
While Apple hasn’t released official sales numbers for AirPods, Tim Cook stated back in December that they are a “runaway success.” Cook also addressed the scarce availability and said that Apple is making units as fast as it can, but again, things haven’t approved in that area as of yet.
Personally, I’m a huge fan of Apple’s AirPods. I’ve tried all of Apple’s W1 headphone options and walked away most impressed with the AirPods because of the truly wireless design, the carrying case, and their ear fit. AirPods offer the best combination of design, value, and performance in my opinion.
What are your thoughts on AirPods now that we’re four months in? How often do you use them, or have you not been able to get your hands on a pair? Let us know in the poll above and in the comments below.